Short Stories

Access my collection of recently written short stories at the University of Oxford.

Short Stories

The Pink Lady


A rattlesnake’s cautionary tale could be heard close by, but Tate didn’t pay any mind as he peeked around the rock outcrop. Zeek trembled with fear at each swish of the rattle and closed his eyes while hanging on to Tate’s coat. Instead of aiding Tate, he intentionally remained out of sight from the dirt road at the bottom of the hill... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Dirk the Cyclops

Preview: Dirk and his brothers are Cyclops in a town of Larkspur Creek. The rest of the Unseen seem to despise Cyclops and Dirk has never met another of his kind. Instead he's befriended a Goblin named Mikey and is madly in love with Edna who hasn't revealed her true form to anyone. Tonight Dirk is committed to discovering her secret, or at least introducing himself... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Captain Henri

Preview: Captain Henri was a nickname given to him by the locals who knew him as one of the most peculiar men in South Florida. It was the type of nickname that you would say to his face or shorter variations like Captain or Cap’n... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg


Preview: “Are either of you nervous?” Georgette asked aloud as the three friends walked briskly towards the Tree Temple. The temple stood tall in the first circle at the heart of Squalandria,
deep in the forest of California’s Big Basin Redwoods State Park... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Kracell and the Crystal

Preview: Kracell always wore her necklace with the large, white cylindrical crystal on it. She liked to think it brought her good luck. She even wore it the night of the beauty pageant, although it did not complement or match her outfit... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Donuts and Gizzards

Preview: Working at a donut shop and finishing high school are small aspects of this young man's life. The success of his band is forefront in his mind... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

In-law Handshake

Preview: Meeting one's in-laws for the first time can be daunting. Some initial barriers are insurmountable and others can be overcome with diligent effort... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Black Jellybean

Preview: This family is about to celebrate a milestone event, but the past resurfaces. Will those stories triumph or will a new narrative begin... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg; WGAE Registered

Firefighting Innocence

Preview: A hectic day and an incomplete tasks lead to an unravelling and loss of childhood memories... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Vows to the Wind

Preview: Up close and personal as two young men prepare for a wedding celebration. Filling their time and concerns with thoughts that lead to actions which nearly spiral out of control... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Baseball Next Door

Preview: To my surprise, I found myself in the stands of the Alabama Little League Championship game. My wife was there too, but begrudgingly, for although she had grown fond of Kyle and hoped his team would win, she didn’t want to spend her whole Saturday watching kids play baseball... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

The Song of Spring

Preview: Lily and Rose grew up not far from one another and loved the springtime. They began to sing individually, but as each grew more confident with their respective tunes, their voices could, at times, be heard together. Each day, a little more would overlap as notes became more complimentary... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

San Francisco

Preview: I opened my eyes for what seemed like the first time on a park bench in the center of San Francisco. On the bench across from me were two guys and their miniature dogs on leash. The dogs were yapping away and making all the commotion in the world, but those guys were busy smoking their doobies and smiling at each other. One would try to smile bigger, and they would end up in a laughing session... (end of preview)

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© 2024 Marc Sternberg

Stage Dramas

Cherry the Robot

Preview: If students bothered to mention her, they would typically say “Pippy Long-Stocking” or “Anne Green Gables.” She respectfully responded to these names and any others for which she was labeled, for she was happy just to be noticed or included occasionally. To her, "A name is just a name. An ordinary label that was given to me by my parents," she’d say and, "You can call me anything you like." At least until Cherry the Robot entered her life... (end of preview)

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What the Dickens: Let Them Eat Cake

Preview: The ghosts of Twain and Salinger find themselves in a Sprinkles cupcake shop in Scottsdale, Arizona. Their time is running out and they have to discover their purpose and complete their mission to satisfy their needs in the afterlife. But what do they have in common and what must they do... (end of preview)

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