The Pink Lady
S1E1: Visitors From the Past (Pilot)
TV Series (Teleplay)
© 2024 Marc Sternberg; WGAE Registered
Tate’s mother, Rachel, died shortly after childbirth and out of wedlock. Tate is the bastard son of Mr. John Mortanna, a wealthy landowner and co-proprietor of the infamous Mortanna Inn. Tate struggles to find purpose and meaning in his life while trying to uncover his father’s mysterious past and staying clear of Mrs. Kristen Mortanna.
Genre: Drama / Western / Supernatural / Creative Non-Fiction
Click on the link below for access to the screenplay.
A rattlesnake’s cautionary tale could be heard close by, but Tate didn’t pay any mind as he peeked around the rock outcrop. Zeek trembled with fear at each swish of the rattle and closed his eyes while hanging on to Tate’s coat. Instead of aiding Tate, he intentionally remained out of sight from the dirt road at the bottom of the hill... (end of preview)